And what is good, Phaedrus, and what is not good — need we ask anyone to tell us these things?
— Robert Pirsig
Economics As An Art Blog Link to heading
An old Blogger site that I started in 2010. It is mostly written in Bulgarian and was inspired by the idea that economics is an art, not a science. The blog is a collection of my thoughts on various economic topics, as well as some musings and random pieces of art that I encountered and liked well enough to post them.
IB Economics Blog Link to heading
I have been teaching introductory economics courses at the university level since 2004.
With this background, and after spending quite some time with IB Economics as a teacher, paper author, and examiner, I naturally got rather opinionated about all kinds of things related to how IB Economics should be taught and examined.
Hence, I started that blog to offer my thoughts to the IB community before they melt into the void. Hopefully, the blog will become a platform for discussion and mutual enrichment.
Readers who want to contribute to the discussion are welcome to log in the commenting section after each article and offer their thoughts. They can also contribute by eventually becoming guest authors.